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You can rise up from anything.

You are NOT stuck.  You have choices. You can think new thoughts. 

You can learn something new.  You can create new habits.

DECIDE  today and NEVER look back!  

Elite 12-Week Coaching Program

Join us on a Life Changing Journey!

Transform your life with Molly Amy and the Napoleon Hill Institute! Dive into “Think and Grow Rich” principles, get lifetime access to exclusive resources, and receive personalized coaching to achieve abundance, success, and deep fulfillment.

Working with SND

Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.

At Sisters Next Door, we are your partners in transformation, dedicated to guiding you through a journey of seizing opportunities, breaking through limitations, and unlocking your true potential. 

Girl you better walk into that room like GOD sent you there….because HE did!

Our proven process begins with a discovery call, where we delve into your goals and aspirations. Whether you thrive in a one-on-one setting or a group dynamic, we tailor our coaching approach to your unique needs, leveraging the timeless wisdom of Napoleon Hill’s 13 principles.

Our Principles In Coaching

Have you set clear , achievable goals for your life?

Are you feeling stuck in your personal and professional journey? Are you struggling to achieve the level of success you desire? It’s time to break free from the barriers that hold you back.

Ask yourself these essential questions…

Struggling to 10x your income ?

Struggling with self confidence ?

Are you currently stuck and need help identifying blocks that keep you from advancing in the way you desire ?

If your answer is YES to all or one of the above, our principles will help you!

In this featured video, we unravel the secrets behind rewiring your brain and mastering the art of living in alignment with these proven principles by Napoleon Hill Institute. Amy and Molly, the dynamic duo behind SND, share personal insights, emphasizing the importance of not just reading the book but truly living the principles in a community. 

the success coach duo you need

Are you ready to unlock your full potential?

We are Molly and Amy, your dedicated life coach duo, and yes, we’re sisters! With a passion for entrepreneurship from a young age, we’ve harnessed our knowledge and certified coaching expertise from the Napoleon Hill Institute to help you reach new heights in your life.

Our mission is to guide you on the path to greatness. Through transformative coaching, we’ll inspire you to dream bigger and accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Let’s make your dreams a reality.

“If it doesn't bring LOVE, PEACE or POSITIVE ENERGY, then it's time to MAKE A CHANGE.”
- SND -

Your Journey Starts Here!

With their time highly sought after, Amy and Molly are here to guide you as you embark on the path to greatness. Your journey starts here—let’s walk it together.


Get your FREE copy of Think and Grow Rich!

Are you ready to experience a transformative mindset shift so you can pursue success?

Are you ready for wealth creation and living a life of abundance?

Don’t waste any more time! Fill out the form below to receive the infamous Think and Grow Rich, an Official Publication of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.
