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About Sisters Next Door

Two sisters, one incredible journey above & beyond.

Our Story

How did we get here?

It’s always been said Amy was born wearing a dress and high heels, and Molly was born in athletic wear, ready to compete in anything she did in life. Only 20 months apart and raised by very active and high-achieving parents, Amy and Molly have always been close. When Molly finished graduate school in Iowa, it was Amy who made the connection to have Molly and her husband move back to Lincoln. In fact, they moved in with each other and their two newborn babies. Their oldest kids were raised as siblings, being only 13 days apart. The next set of kids came three years later and were five weeks apart. Needless to say, life has been full of extreme joy, raising their children together.

Over the last 30 years, Amy and Molly have been a dynamic duo. They have built seven and eight-figure businesses together- all while traveling the world, leading mission trips, and raising children together. While Molly has always been the athlete- even recently completing a full Iron Man in Wisconsin- Amy has donned heels and dresses and found immense success in real estate, both in sales and investing.

When Molly and her husband decided to move to a house on a beautiful lake in a small town, it was the first time that the sisters had lived more than 2 miles apart In 24 years. As only God can do, a house came up down the street from Molly’s only a year later, and Amy and her husband jumped at the opportunity to be close to each other again. Molly and Amy both believe they were put on this earth to serve, empower, coach, and mentor others to walk in their greatness and live their best life possible. While the sisters have each built businesses and coached individuals to incredible success-many of them, making six and seven figures a piece as well, they feel their calling is even bigger and decided to open up their wisdom and expertise to high-achieving women all over the world.

SND offers group coaching, as well as individual coaching, for women who want to crash through the glass ceiling and level up even more. As certified coaches, Molly and Amy walk the walk and talk the talk. They are multi-million dollar business owners whose time is highly sought after. They believe in serving big and are ready to serve you.

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Our Team

Get to know The Sisters.

Meet Molly Kroeker

Molly Kroeker is a dedicated coach driven by a passion for empowering individuals to embrace their fullest potential. With a proven entrepreneurial background in the health and wellness sector, Molly offers a wealth of experience to guide you on your personal journey. Drawing from her expertise as a former sports medicine physical therapist, she provides practical strategies and personalized support to help you overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Molly’s comprehensive approach covers aspects of health, fitness, nutrition, and personal development, ensuring you not only meet but surpass your objectives. Committed to your success, Molly is ready to unlock your full potential and assist you in creating a life of fulfillment and accomplishment.

Meet Amy Mosser

As a serial entrepreneur, since the age of 22, Amy Mosser has built and sold several businesses and mentored and coached hundreds of people to walk in their greatness and live their best life possible. With nearly 20 years of personal development study and application. Amy’s success is due to her incredible mindset. She believes that what the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve. She has owned 90,000 square-foot gym, retail golf franchises, numerous real estate investments, and built successful businesses in real estate and social selling. Amy’s calling in life is inspiring, empowering, loving, and serving others to play all out and live the life of their dreams.